Profiles of the serving Parish Councillors, their responsibilities within the Council and how you can make contact with them.

Neil Davidson - Vice Chair of Creech St Michael Parish Council

Neil Davidson

Vice Chair of the Parish Council

Neil is Vice Chair of the Parish Council and Chair of the Staffing Committee.  Neil also serves on the Finance Committee and Chairs the Canal Panel.   Neil lives in Creech Heathfield and works nearby in Taunton.  Neil has been actively involved in promoting the use of the Bridgwater and Taunton Canal. 

Paul Tucker - Parish Councillor

Paul Tucker

Parish Councillor

To follow

David Griffin

Parish Councillor

David joined the Parish Council in 2022 and is Chair of the Finance Committee and serves on the Planning Panel.  David brings a wealth of commercial experience to his role as a councillor.  David lives in Ham and has lived in the Parish for many years and has a detailed understanding of the history of the Parish community.   

Barbara Williams

Parish Councillor

Barbara has been a resident of Creech St Michael for 25 years and prior to her retirement was very active within Souting in the area.  Barbara is also a supporter of the Village Hall in Creech St Michael. 

Barbara has served as a member of the Planning Committee.

Charlie Cudlip

Parish Councillor

Charlie has been a Parish Councillor for many years. He was Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee, he sits on the Traffic Panel that helped initiate the 20mph speed limit and helped create the Speedwatch Group. Charlie also represents the Parish Council on the Taunton Garden Town Advisory Board.

Martyn Willis

Parish Councillor

Martyn has been a resident of Creech St Michael since June 2012 settling in the village after a 37-year career in the Royal Navy.  Martyn has led the Community Speedwatch group since its creation and has been a volunteer with the Canal and River Trust, and has worked behind the scenes for the village Flower and Produce Show.

Cllr. Corinne Giles

Corinne Giles

Parish Councillor

Corinne is a resident of Creech St Michael and works for the NHS.  Corinne has been involved within the community through the Party in the Park group and has been a school governor and volunteered with the Scouts and Cubs. 

Peter Brown

Parish Councillor

Peter’s biography to follow.


Parish Councillor

Cllr. Steve Greenhalgh

Steve Greenhalgh

Parish Councillor

Steve has previously served as a Councillor and Chair of the Parish Council.  Steve enjoyed a lengthy career as a Police Officer and now works to promote road safety.

Steve has been a resident of Creech St Michael for almost forty years. 


Charlie Reading

Grounds and Maintenance Operative

Charlie’s responsibilities include maintaining the grounds of the Rec. Park and its buildings and facilities and helping to maintain the Parish Council’s assets. 

Karen Hutchings


Karen’s responsibilities include maintaining the cleanliness of the Rec. Park and its buildings and facilities. 

Andrew Williams

Clerk & RFO

Andrew is responsible for the administration of the Parish Council’s day-to-day services and operations and acts as the lead advisor to the members of the Council.