PC Minutes 4th July 20162016-10-16 21:47:39687


Minutes of the Meeting of the CSM PC held at 7pm on Monday 4th July 2016

in the Lower Committee Room of the Village Hall.

Present; S Hutchings (Chair), S Greenhalgh (Vice Chair), L Gates, G Lucas, K Hunt and D Knight (Parish Councillors). Steve Altria (Clerk). SCClr D Fothergill. TDBCllr D Durdan.  Four members of the public attended.   


16/124. Chairs Welcome. Cllr Hutching began by welcoming everyone and explained that the meeting would be recorded. A reflection on the sad loss of Tony da Silva who had died instantly when his car hit a wall at the junction of North End and Charlton Road on 16th June took place.


16/125. Public Speaking. Andy Lehner of West of England Developments asked to address the Parish Council. AL explained the merits of his resubmitted planning application (14/16/0031) highlighting that he was able to offer the land to SCC to build  a “safe route to school” footpath along Hyde Lane. AL also suggested that the completion of the footpath prior to the development being built should be a condition of consent. GL asked if the footpath would be lit. AL advised that it could be but it was for SCC to decide. DF confirmed that SCC did not have the money to purchase the land, although there was some money available to build the footpath if the land was made available by the developer and that therefore this would be the only opportunity for the footpath to be built. KH asked if it would be a cycleway and AL advised the path would be as wide as SCC decided.


Parishioner Brenda Brighton advised she had attended the planning meeting at which the original application had refused. AL advised that he had since met with TDBC Planners having obtained a deed of undertaking from the land agent. BB suggested that there had been enough development already and asked if the land could be provided without the development. AL advised that he was only able to provide the land if the houses are built. BB also highlighted that her new neighbour’s children had not been given a place at village school. DF explained he was sorry to hear that but the position changes annually and that when the new WM School opens in October the pressure on CSM School would reduce.


KH and GL expressed their view that the priority is the children and suggested acceptance. SG asked if the road would also be widened and suggested if it were cars would speed up. AL confirmed it would be an estate road of no more than 5m width.


16/126. Apologies. PCllrs S W Harris, K Reed, C Sampson and I Wright sent apologies. Apologies were accepted from SWH, CS and IW. YG absent.


16/127. Declarations of Interest. SH declared an interest in the Prior Approval application for Theats Farm (see item 16/131 below application 14/16/0033/CQ) and left the room and took no part in the discussion on this item. SH also declared an interest in the Rec Park Carpark levelling work and payments (Items 16/124 (1) and 16/133 (1) and took no part in the vote. SG declared his interest in the item on North End Grass cutting (items 16/133 (4) and (5) and took no part in the discussion or vote.


16/128. To receive the District and County Councillors’ Reports.

DD reported;

(1) Council Tax Support. TDBC is currently consulting on their CTS scheme which is a means tested discount for working age households and would welcome responses online at www.tauntondeane.gov.uk/currentconsultations  before their deadline of 11th Sept 2016.


(2) St James Pool. The pool is to close on Sunday 10th July in advance of the new Pool opening at Blackbrook on 16th July. The last public sessions will be on Friday 8th at 2.30pm and 5pm.


DF advised;

(3) Creech Heathfield Accident. DF advised that SCC were looking to learn of the reasons for the crash car at the junction of North End and Charlton Road and hoped this could be established. PC expressed their condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.


(4) A38 Adsborough. The lighting/islands/pavements to the bus stops elements of the scheme have now been signed off and the installation is set to commence in Sept 2016.


(5) Children in Care. SCC has 520 children in care and an additional £6million has been spent on the service. Ofsted have designated that “significant improvement” has taken place. SCC are desperately seeking more foster parents.


(6) Taunton Library. The Google box will be in the library w/b 12th July.


(7) East St, Taunton. The road is currently closed to enable new traffic lights and crossings to be replaced/relaid out.


(8) Old A38 Monkton Heathfield. The road is to close for 10/12 weeks to do works. The Bus gating will follow once a Traffic Regulation Order process has been completed.


16/129. Minutes of the 6th June Mtg. (These had been previously circulated to Cllrs). These were agreed without any amendments being made. The minutes were then signed and dated by the Chair as an accurate record of the meeting.








16/130. Matters arising from the Minutes of the 6th June Mtg.


16/100. A303/A358 Duelling. The Clerk reported he had received acknowledgement letters from both SCC Highway and Highways England. He had sent letters as requested to explain the impact this major highway upgrade would have on the Parish. It had been stated to both that a 20mph speed limit for the Village, footpaths over the railway and canal bridges and improved junctions at Creech Castle and at J25 M5 would be necessary.


16/106. Merlyn’s Copse. The Clerk had written to the prospective purchasers advising of the PC decision to sell and requesting their Legal representative details; these had now been received and had been passed to the PC Solicitors.


16/116(2). Ruishton PC Neighbourhood Planning. The Clerk had written to TDBC (Ann Rhodes) to convey the CSM PCs support for the Ruishton NH Plan application.


16/117(1). Salary Scales. The Clerk confirmed he had implemented the 1% pay increase agreed wef 1.4.16 by the National Joint Councils.


16/118(1). Rec Park Security. The Clerk reported he had written as requested to the Chief Constable following the report from a resident outlining problems in the Rec Park at evenings and also at the canal carpark. A police officer had been in contact the next day and two patrols visits a night had been implemented.


16/120(1). Dillons Road. The pothole had been reported to SCC Highways and it had since been repaired.


16/131. Planning (1) Applications received. The PC considered the applications received and decided to comment;









18 Ryesland Way, CSM. Erection of a two storey extension to south elevation.

To support.



Amaryllis Cottage, Adsborough. Change of use and conversion of de-consecrated chapel to holiday accommodation.

To support subject to restricted hours being placed on when the building work is to be undertaken.




Hyde Lane, CSM. Outline Application with some matters reserved for the erection of 35 No dwellings on and to the south west of Creech Medical Centre (adj to Larkfleet Development).

To OBJECT. The PC decided on a majority vote to express the view that Creech St Michael had more than shouldered its fair share of development and that this and further applications will not be supported. The PC feels that SCC should be providing a lit footpath/cycleway along Hyde Lane without the village having to accept more development. It also noted that the site was outside of the Village building boundary and that Hyde Lane is insufficient for the volume and use it has.



Lamorna, White Street, Ham. Erection of a first floor extension.

To suggest that the window overlooking the neighbour be of a strongly obscured glass.




Theat’s Farm, Creech Heathfield Road, CSM: Prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural building to dwelling house (Use class C3) and associated building operations.

To support.



Green Acres, Charlton Road, CSM. Replacement of privet hedge and chain link fence with stone/brick wall. 

To support.


16/132. CSM Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk had previously circulated draft minutes of the panel’s second meeting which was held on 13th June. Meetings are held in public and papers are now on the website. The Flyer to heighten awareness of the plan has been designed and is being printed in order to be available for PIP (along with a map and display) and will appear in the Creech News, website, facebook page, notice boards etc.  SG had kindly agreed to hand out whilst selling raffle tickets. CCfS had been commissioned to design and undertake the consultation survey which will be informed by IW draft plan and LG suggestions. SA and Jane Birch had completed bids for funding to Awards for All and Locality. The next meeting will be on held on Thursday 21st July 7pm in the CSM Village Hall Lower Cttee room.


16/133. Accounts (1) Payments Authorised; The Clerks and Caretakers July and August Wages, HMRC and SCC Pension Fund payments, SR Altria (Clerks June Expenses £105.31 and July Expenses £53.95), SPFA (Annual Safety inspection and RA)  £75.00, Play & Leisure Ltd (Accessible Play Equipment) £18,600.00 and (50 Caps and Paint for MUGA) £140.40, Sutcliffe Play SW (12 Caps for u5 Play area) £41.90, Bibby Factors Ltd Security (3d Security 30-5-16 to 3.7.16) £300.00, AON Ins (Insurance 19.7.16-19.6.17) £1,672.15, TDBC DLO (Dogbin Emptying 2015/6) £658.94, Trevor J Spurway Architect Fees (remaining 25% Stage D) £2,842.80, N Cridge (Merlyn’s Copse Grass cutting) £65.00, WYG EPT Ltd (NH Plan Consultancy Fees pt) £1,446.60, J & J Miller Plant Hire (Excavate, rake and level Rec carpark) £192.00, S Hutchings (Reimb for concrete for cycle rack base) £61.20, NCL Communications Ltd (PIP balance Playbus hire) £200.00, Universal Marquees (PIP Marque balance) £378.00, Brandon Hire (PIP Lighting and power equip hire) £724.62 , Exmoor Luxury Loos (PIP toilet hire balance) £624.00, C Carter (PIP disco – Parrot Entertainment Agency) £120.00.  


(2) Monies Received and banked since the last meeting; PIP16 Stalls (Nuffield Health £10, B Lansdell £10) and PIP16 Sponsorship (Redrow £150, WJ South West £500). 



(3) Cheques drawn since last meeting; British Gas (Electricity at Pavilion) 8-5-16 to 7-6-16. Cheq 100522 £39.03


(4) Authorisation given to make payment before the next meeting.  British Gas (Electricity at Pavilion 7-6- 16 to 7-7-16 and 7.7.16 to 7.8.16), Bibby Factors Ltd Security (Rec Park 3d Security 3-6-16 to 3.7.16), SPS (Septic Tank Empty 7 7 16), Nigel Window Cleaning (Bus Shelters), N Cridge (Merlyn’s Copse Grass July/August cutting), CCfS (Deposit for NH Plan consultation); A Birch (North End Grass cutting).                                                   


(5) Request for Financial Information. The Clerk reminded PCllrs that each time someone asked for financial information that he had been asked to report that to the PC. As he had received a request from Parishioner A Birch (on the availability of funds to support the grass cutting at North End and in part lieu of website charges) he had responded explaining that upto £585 (NE) and £500 (Website). It was agreed to make a payment of upto £250.


16/134. Rec Park.

(1) Maintenance. SH reported that a working party had been held to repair fencing and a stile had been installed. The car park surface had been respread to ensure a level surface and the cycle racks had been set in a block of concrete. The Clerk advised that the termly emptying of the septic tank will take place on Thursday 7th July.


(2) Inclusive Play Equipment/Goalposts. The Clerk advised that the Inclusive Play Equipment funded by S106 monies had been installed and was in use. Mention of the Caretaker identifying a couple of issues was made.  The Clerk also advised that the installation of the goal posts would be scheduled once PIP took place in time for the new season in liaison with YG.  

Action. The Clerk to ensure CS was aware of the issues with the IPE raised by the caretaker.


(3) Play surfacing repairs. The Rec Park Panel have yet to obtain quotations for the repair for the PC’s consideration.


(4) Damage. The 60 plastic nut caps damaged have been replaced.


(5) Summer Cover. The Clerk advised that YG had agreed arrangements for a local person to keep the Rec Park clean whilst the caretaker is on his holiday and he had asked the security firm 3d to open the Rec Park during his absence.


(6) Development. The Clerk reported that the Planning Application on behalf of the PC for a replacement pavilion

had reached the tenth of the thirteen week planning timetable and no objections had been made;though SCC Highways have yet to comment. The next step is for the application to be determined and that this may be at the Planning Cttee in which case representation by the Ward and Parish Cllrs would be required. It was agreed IW would be asked to attend.


16/135. Party in the Park 9th July 2016. DK reported that arrangements were all in a hand for PIP16; the afternoon is open to all free and the evenings 500 tickets were all sold out. DK highlighted the amount of work and goodwill from the local community which had been extensive. A target to cover costs before the event had almost been achieved. This year there is more free activities for the children to enjoy and the raffle has £1200 worth of prizes. First aid cover is in place and the Risk Assessment is being finalised. Help is required on the day from 10a.m. The event is to be nominated for a Fields in Trust award again.


16/136. Highways/Footpaths. (1) Defects. SG reported a broken signpost at Lashpool Drove Right of Way T10/15. LG reported that a panel in the Hyde Lane Bus shelter had been damaged and was now starred; it was agreed to monitor. GL reported that the vegetation on the corner of Ryesland Way and St Michaels Road by the Phone box needs cutting back. GL also reported that the stile on the lane from Creech Heathfield to the former Golf Course is too high.

GL asked if foliage by the 40mph signs could be cut back at 40mph signs on Langaller Lane by the A38 link road.

Action. The Clerk to report the various defects to the relevant authorities. SH to examine the stile at Creech Heathfield.


(2) Speeding in Ham/Ham Road. DF advised that he had arranged for a Speed Indicator Device (SID) to be installed in Ham for a week. A radar had also been installed by the bridge. The results show most traffic were within the speed limit. As there were some questions on the results DF had arranged for the monitoring to be redone. A radar down Ham

Road had shown there was some speeding there. A discussion took place about the merits of a community speed watch scheme. This needed a group of volunteers to take forward.

Action. The Clerk to write an appeal in the Creech News to see if enough volunteers are prepared to come forward to enable a CSW Scheme to be established.


16/137. Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of TDBC. The Clerk had prior to the meeting circulated letters from the Local Government Boundary Commission and TDBC along with a discussion paper he had written summarising these. The LGBC review of Taunton Deane Borough Council is aiming to deliver electoral equality for voters and is suggesting and consulting on the number of TDBCllrs being reduced from 56 down to 43. TDBC currently has 56 Councillors with an electorate of 81,154 (an average 1,449 electors per Cllr) and as the electorate is growing this is expected to increase to 88,140 (an average 1,574) by 2022. The current Ruishton & Creech Ward has two TDBCllrs to represent a current electorate of 3249 and is under represented by 12%.  By 2022 the electorate of Creech is expected to grow by 1263 to give a Ward total of 4498. If the Ruishton & Creech Ward is retained with two TDBCllrs it would be 43% under represented so the LGBC will be seeking change. DD highlighted the impact on Cllrs workloads of TDBC having fewer Cllrs and TDBC finances.  The PC considered its options and agreed to suggest that CSM Parish becomes its own ward with two Cllrs. Also as suggested by DF the PC also agreed to respond to the LGBC that it wished for any final solution not to split the Parish across Wards and at the Clerks suggestion that when considering future reviews of SCC its  view was that WM/CSM/Ruishton would be the preferred County Ward area.

Action. The Clerk to reply to the LGBC the decisions made.


16/138. Transport.

(1) Bus Service. GL advised that there were 4 buses an hour travelling along the A38 and suggested some could be diverted to provide a more frequent service though CSM. DF advised that these were run by the Bus Operators on a commercial basis and that would be a decision for them. DF added Transporting Somerset were looking to see if a circular service would be viable based on Taunton/WM/CSM but it is likely that S106 money would be required. Transporting Somerset is also examining Student Transport.


(2) Community Car scheme. KH asked DD how his proposal for a community car scheme was progressing. DD advised that despite his best efforts that not enough volunteers had come forward so he had to shelve it.


16/139. Correspondence.

(1) SG suggested that the PC take a lead in encouraging villagers to take greater pride in the Village. He highlighted the example being set by the residents of North End and suggested that an appeal be placed in the Creech News.

Action.  The Clerk to write an appeal and submit to the Creech News team.


(2) GL highlighted that a lime tree at the junction of Homefield Close and West View is hanging too low and highlighted that the telephone cable is wrapped in it.

Action.  DF to examine the tree.


(3) LG highlighted that some of the PCllrs information on the website was missing.

Action.  The Clerk to examine the website and identify and request biopics. Identified PCllrs to submit updated biopics.


16/140. New Matters to be carried forward.

PCllrs did not raise any items.


The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Future Meetings; The CSM Neighbourhood Plan Panel will meet on Monday 21st July 7pm.A planning meeting will be held only if required on 1st August at 7pm. The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 5th September 2016 in the Lower Cttee Room at the CSM Village Hall (also beginning at 7pm).


Steve Altria, Clerk to Creech St Michael Parish Council. Tel 01823 666295. Email clerk@creechstmichael.net




























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