PC Minutes 5th December 20162017-02-05 20:46:54705


Minutes of the Meeting of the CSM PC held at 7pm on Monday 5th December 2016

in the Lower Committee Room of the Village Hall.

Present; S Greenhalgh (Vice Chair), L Gates, Y Guest, S W Harris, K Hunt, D Knight, G Lucas, K Reed and I Wright (Parish Councillors). Steve Altria (Clerk). SCClr D Fothergill. Two members of the public attended.   


16/209. Chairs Welcome. Cllr Steve Greenhalgh (Vice Chair) Chaired the meeting. SG began by welcoming all.


16/210. Public Speaking.  Brenda Brighton expressed her view that PCllrs should be more accessible suggesting that each has their email address, mobile tel no  and a picture on the Parish website. Whilst she appreciated that the Clerk had advised her to contact him and that he would in turn inform all PCllrs she felt the role of PCllr required greater direct accessibility as the District and County Councillors do adding there would be periods, such as holidays, when the Clerk would be away. BB also suggested name banners be used so individual PCllrs can be identified by Parishioner’s at PC meetings. PCllrs agreed to publishing email addresses, pictures and using name banners.

Action. The Clerk to provide ‘name banners’ for the Jan PC meeting and to ask the website administrators to add email addresses. PCllrs to provide a picture or the Clerk will take pictures prior to the Jan 2017 meeting for uploading.


16/211. Apologies. S Hutchings (Chair) and PCllr C Sampson sent apologies and these were accepted.


16/212. Declarations of Interest.

(1) Declarations of Individual Members. No PCllr declared an interest.


(2) SH had submitted a dispensation request to enable all Councillors to take part in the discussions on the precept.

Action. The PC granted the dispensation to enable all Councillors to participate in the precept determination discussions at this meeting and at the next meeting on 9th January. 


16/213. Police report. PSCO Claire Escott despite confirming her intention to attend was not able to be present and sent her apologies and a report. Key messages are that Rural crime, particularly of outbuildings/sheds and 4X4’s must be locked. People are encouraged to report any suspicious activity to the Police on the 101 line. Other priorities are speeding vehicles and reducing Anti-Social Behaviour. Officers will be continuing to patrol Creech Park at key times. Suspicious vehicles in the vicinity of the Creech Industrial Estate have been reported. Again any sightings of persons/cars with vehicle registrations should be reported.  All who participated in Operation Gannet, with regard to the recent flooding are thanked. The Police are aware that there were some access issues with the Slaughter House. The annual Christmas drink driving campaign has started today with ‘morning after’ drivers particularly in the spotlight throughout December and into the New Year, aiming to help reduce deaths, serious injuries and crime on the roads by tackling drink and drug driving using vehicle stop-check operations, targeted patrols and awareness-raising at events and in pubs and bars. The Police are also urging people who have concerns about someone they believe may be drink or drug driving to call on 101 or text the word drunk and as many details as they can to 81819.

Action. The Clerk to invite the Police to a future meeting.


16/214.  County Councillors Report.

DF advised that the;


Big storm two weeks ago had generated 500 calls to SCC, part of Tarr Steps had been washed away and a 2m hole in the road at Cheddar Gorge created. A call from a house in Cook Close at risk of flooding was resolved within the hour. It was noted that TDBC had fortunately cleared the ditch to the rear of Cooks Close a couple of weeks prior.


A footpath in Arundells Way had collapsed following work by Western Power. SCC have issued a 24hour repair notice.


The Adsborough Hill A38 Scheme is well underway as a result of the joint working between SCC and the PC. This will provide new bus stops, an island and street lighting within the next two weeks. The Clerk reminded Parish Councillors that a request had been made last year to TDBC to finance two new bus shelters. On reapplication that Council has now offered a grant towards the costs of new bus shelters and that the PC would be making a decision later in the meeting (see item 16/222 (2) below).


Charlton Road had flooded as a result of a blocked culvert (half way down where the stream is).


Hyde Lane Crossing plans would be available from April.


Hyde Lane Footpath (M/Way Bridge to Hyde Lane Cottages). SCC has commenced a feasibility study using £5k of the S106 money.


Flooding between CSM and Ruishton. SWH asked if anything could be done to stop this. DF advised it would be difficult as this is the flood plain but he would take the question back to SCC and Somerset Rivers Authority.    


Hyde Lane Flooding. It was noted that the road had flooded again just beyond the bend past the cottages. This had occurred the first time two years ago and had been reported but no reason identified.

Action. The Clerk to report again.


Hyde Lane (Rocketts Cottages to Doctors Surgery. GL advised that the catch-pits had been emptied but the gulley’s between them had not been rodded and as a result the road had collected water at this point.






16/215. Minutes of the 7th November Mtg. (These had been previously circulated to Cllrs). These were agreed without any amendments being made and were signed and dated by the Chair as an accurate record of the meeting.


16/216. Matters arising from the minutes of the 7th November Mtg.


16/169. Ham STW Access Track. Following Wessex Water confirmation that they had completed the purchase of the land required from Tarmac the Clerk had asked WW if the remaining land purchases had been completed. He had now received a reply saying that negotiations are still ongoing.


16/162 (1) Highways Defects.  The Clerk had asked TDBC Enforcement Officers if they would ask Linden Homes Estate (Sweeting Close) to lay the final surface dressings. Their reply advised that this was matter for and in the interests of the developers as until they did and the road is adopted they remained responsible for its maintenance.


16/163 (1). Footpaths: Parish Footpaths Volunteer. The Clerk confirmed that volunteer Parishioner Fred A’Court contact details had been circulated to Parish Councillors.

16/163. (3) Canal Bridge, St Michaels Road. The Clerk confirmed that the River and Canal Trust had agreed that the cutting of the undergrowth had been put on their maintenance programme as requested. The Clerk reported he had  followed this up as it has yet to be cut and had been advised the programme lasted from autumn to the spring. As a result he had highlighted the danger to pedestrians to the Trust and they had agreed to cut that week.


16/58.  Land in front of 2-32 Crufts Meadow. The Clerk advised that following TDBC confirmation that they do own the enclosed land adjacent to the canal TDBC he had spoken to them again requesting that the over grown vegetation on this their land be cut.


16/194 (4) Planning Enforcement. The Clerk advised he had yet to report the two premises which appear to be occupied without having planning permission; one at the bottom of Charlton Lane and the other a caravan alongside the A361 as he needed to be given more precise details.

Action.  Clerk to ask KH to provide more details of precise location and then to report to TDBC Planning compliance for examination.


16/195 (6)  Defibulator.  SG had arranged to trade in the old machine and purchased the new defibulator; it is now in the Bell Inn ready to be used.


16/196 (1) Rec Park Fencing. The Clerk reported that SH is taking forward the fencing repairs but progress is not known.


16/198 Telephone Boxes. The Clerk confirmed he had advised TDBC that the PC wished to “adopt” the boxes in St Michaels Road, Ham and Creech Heathfield and remove that at Worthy Lane. TDBC will respond to BT after completion of the 90 day consultation period and the PC now awaits hearing from BT in the New Year. In the meantime DK and he had started looking at the requirements of BT who remained the owners of the boxes regarding the possibility of installing defibulator’s in the St Michaels Road and Ham boxes. BT has specific requirements and the boxes need to come complete with a transformer and led light; in return BT pay the electricity supply bill for at least 5 years.


16/199 (3) M5 Junc 25 Improvements. The Clerk explained he had written to SCC requesting details of the traffic modelling for this scheme and the duelling of the A358. SCC had provided this for the junction but had referred the A358 request  to Highways England and this was awaited. The SCC data has yet to be examined.


16/217. Planning.

(1) Planning Applications received. The following application was considered;







Lowenva, Ham, CSM. Erection of a single storey rear extension.

The PC decided to support.


(2) CSM Neighbourhood Plan. IW updated on progress on the survey and that a good response had been received with one third of residents having ‘had their say’. Evaluation was underway , the draft report runs to over 100 pages had some areas of  ambiguity, was in need of evaluation and the key messages being identified. Individual Panel members have been have been tasked to review and report back on their findings. The next step after that was to present to the PC and get commitment to proceed.


The Clerk explained that Jeff Brown, Children’s Commissioning Service Manager, SCC had attended to update the panel on the use of the Childrens Centre. His predecessor had left at the end of 2015 and the authority had taken the opportunity to review the management arrangement of children centres and place them as part of the Somerset’s ‘Get Set’ Services which aims to support families with young people under 25. JB had explained that the possible management by CSM School from Easter 2017 was being discussed in order to maximise the building use (eg School, Health, Parent Groups and the Community). At present CC services were only provided part time. JB had been asked to provide details and take up of these services.


The Clerk advised he had also contacted WM PC who had confirmed that the desired “safe route to school” pavement along Hyde Lane (Motorway Bridge to Hyde Lane Cottages) is in the WM PC NH Plan. A meeting has been arranged with WM NH plan panel to ensure areas of common interest are identified and requirements are understood. Work is progressing on youth consultation events (formally via schools and informally) and underway on Business Survey. CCfS had held a Community Infrastructure Levy (C.I.L) Workshop on 23.11.16 which had been attended by four of the CSM NH Plan panel. The Clerk shared some thoughts;

IW advised he thought TDBC would attempt to encourage the PC to spend on their priorities. It was suggested and agreed the District Councillors need to be present at PC meetings in order to ensure aims are in line.


16/218. Accounts.

(1) Grants. The PC considered grants and agreed to give St Michaels PCC £630 and Taunton CAB £250. It was noted that CAB had assisted 31 clients with a Creech St Michael address. A request from Wiveliscombe Youth Club was not supported.


(2) Payments approved; the Clerks and Caretakers Wages, HMRC and SCC Pension Fund payments, the Clerks Nov

£245.10, Bibby Factors Ltd Security (Rec Park 3d Security 3-11-16 to 30.11.16) £216.00, Som Playing Fields’ Assoc (Membership 1.12.16- 30.11.17) £15.00, Society of LC Clerks (Membership 2017) £139.00, Assoc of LC Clerks (Membership 2017) £10.00, CSM School (PIP Grant towards sensory garden)£500.00, Jo Morrison (PIP17 Reimb of Hosting Fees from Zyma Technologies) £29.88,  Taunton CAB (Grant) £250.00 and St Michaels PCC (Grant) £630.00.


(3) Monies Received and banked since the last meeting; Awards for All (Grant towards NH Plan) £10,000.00,

TDBC (S106 monies for Play Equipment/Goal posts) £16,973.63,  Creech Cougars (Oct Pitch Fees) £80.00.


(4) Cheques drawn since last meeting; B Gas (Electricity at Pavilion 7-10-16 to 7-11-16) £149.80 (as agreed).


(5) Authorisation to make payment before the next meeting. B Gas (Electricity at Pavilion 7-11-16 to 6-12-16).


(6) Budget/Precept 2017/18. The Clerk had previously circulated a proposed draft budget for the year 17/18 and a provisions/capital report and he explained at length the PCs overall financial position and the likely requirements. He reminded the PC that following years of rising prices, increasing demands, no precept increases and reliance on drawing on reserves the PC had finally had to succumb to increasing the precept in the past two years in order to take advantage of the opportunity having a NH Plan provides and the need to plan for a new pavilion. Whilst increases are likely to be underlying trend going forward this year the draft budget he had prepared is based on no increase in the precept to meet currently indentified needs. This does not include resourcing the needs identified in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan which would no doubt require considerable attention and sources of funding being established once these had been identified. The PC is also aware that the Government is also considering extending “capping” to PCs but as yet their decision was not known and he had suggested that even if it were implemented only “expensive” (i.e not below average £ precept parishes such as CSM) would be affected for the foreseeable future. The Clerk asked PCllrs to ensure all future needs were identified for inclusion in the budget as without doing so it would be difficult to fund projects identified in year. A decision would have to be made on 9th January meeting on the precept. He envisaged budgeted expenditure of £56,085.00 using £3,758.00 from reserves. The Clerk offered to answer any questions individual PCllrs may have to facilitate their decision making in the interim. It was noted capital expenditure will need to be funded by s106 or C.I.L funding or other funds such as grants if a provision was not in place and the CIL money the PC in 2017/8 can rely on receiving is £5,329.94.


(7) Bank Account. The Clerk had previously circulated a letter from HSBC advising of their decision to close its branch in Wellington wef Feb 2017.  He suggested that a current account be opened in another bank in Wellington for ease of access as parking in Taunton and travel time precluded this for being an efficient use of his time. It was agreed to open a current account with Nat West, Wellington.

Action. The Clerk to open an account at Nat West, Wellington.


16/219. Recreation Park.

(1) Update Report. A discussion took place about the need to replace the damaged fencing. It was agreed to leave until after the intended purchase of the adjacent field is concluded. 


(2) Development. The Clerk advised he had now received a letter from Greenslade Taylor Hunt advising that they had been instructed to act on behalf of the owner of the field adjacent to the Rec Park and gave details of their fees for giving advice to their client. The PC decided to consider this at the Jan meeting.


16/220. Party in the Park 8th July 2017.

SG advised that a party for senior citizens was planned for 27th Jan to be held in the Village Hall financed from the proceeds of PIP. He asked for assistance on the afternoon. A cheque had been drawn earlier for Schools Sensory garden.


16/221. Flooding.

DK highlighted that on the road from North Curry to Ham there is a “flip over” flood warning sign but that there is not one on the CSM side. See also items 16/213 and 16/214 above for other flood issues.

Action. Clerk to request a flip over sign from SCC.


16/222. Highways.

(1) Defects reported. None.  See item 16/214 above for update on schemes.


(2). A38 Adsborough Bus Shelters.  As TDBC has offered a grant in response to the PCs application towards the costs of new two bus shelters he had asked 5 companies to quote. He asked the PC if it wished to support the installation of two new shelters and to meet the remaining costs. It was envisaged that the cost to the PC would be £1,300. This was agreed with funding coming from unallocated CIL monies (see also item 16/214 (3) above).

Action. The Clerk to procure and have installed two bus shelters and floors.


16/223. Footpaths/ Rights of Way.  Fred A’ Court, the Vol Parish Footpath Officer had provided a detailed report of issues he had indentified. He was thanked for this. This had been shared with PCllrs by the Clerk ahead of the meeting. The PC considered the question of parking in Worth Lane and decided as this was a private road there was nothing that could be done to prevent this.

Action. The Clerk to inform Fred A’Court re Worthy Lane and to bring the other matters to SCC Right of Way attention.


16/224. Annual Parish Meeting Friday 21st April 2017.  The Clerk asked PCllrs to consider who they wished to invite to speak at this event. A suggestion had been made by the NH Plan panel to use part of the evening to feedback to Parishioners the identified needs that emerge from the Parish NH Plan Survey.

Action. PCllrs to suggest speakers and to make decision at their Jan meeting.


16/225. Correspondence.



16/226. New Matters to be carried forward.

The budget and precept to be agreed at the Jan meeting, PCllrs to identify speakers for the APM and the PC to consider meeting the request for paying the costs for professional advice (See item 16/219 (2)) above.


At this point the meeting was closed to the public and press on the grounds that of prejudicial information to be discussed. 


16/227. Minutes of the additional Meeting of the 28th November Mtg. These minutes (which had been previously circulated to Cllrs) were agreed with two amendments being made and were signed and dated by the Chair as an accurate record of the meeting.


16/228. Matters arising from the minutes of the 28th November Mtg. PCllrs agreed on the need for an additional meeting to be held on 23rd January 2017. This further additional meeting is to be closed to the public and press on the grounds that of prejudicial information to be discussed. 


The meeting closed at 9.35pm.


Future Meetings;

The CSM Neighbourhood Plan Panel will meet on Tuesday 13th December 7pm and Monday 19th December 7pm.

The next Parish Council meetings will be held at 7pm on Monday 9th January 2017 (Open to all) and on Monday 6th February 2017 (Open to all).

An additional PC meeting will be held on 23rd January 2017 (meeting to be closed to public and press).

All in the Lower Cttee Room, CSM Village Hall.


Steve Altria, Clerk to Creech St Michael Parish Council. Tel 01823 666295. Email clerk@creechstmichael.net




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